星期三, 10月 15, 2008

(456) 中期考試(2)

嗚嗚嗚... 本來完成早上的考試後鬆了一口氣的, 因為沒想像中那麼難... 可惜, 我居然衰在下午的財務會計手上!!! 其實試題不算難, 但其中有一題我本應做一個BALANCE SHEET(資產負債表)出來, 但我居然做了ACCOUNTING EQUATION(會計方程式)!!!! 其實當時已覺得不妥, 但看到他那句"DON'T BOTHER THE FORMAT"(不用理會形式)... 便以為隨便一個方式便可... 但回家途中細心想想, 那個根本不是資產負債表, 只是一條方程式, 雖然表達的內容大同小異... 但錯了就是錯了... 我應該識做的, 嗚嗚嗚... 太大意了!!



項目管理(Project Management)

9 則留言:

Raymond 說...


匿名 說...


Unknown 說...

Asset + Liability = Equity???

你做了這公式 ??

Unknown 說...

如果有齊attributes and they are on the correct sides, should be OK. Don't worry.

不再thin的阿thiN... 說...

Asset = Liability + Owner's Equity

surely they're on the correct side... and i added a title for this formula, "Balance Sheet for XXX Co.", pretending it is a Balance Sheet... :-P

不再thin的阿thiN... 說...

raymond & cell: 如果你地係老師就好啦...

Unknown 說...

Asset + Liability = Equity???

We say asset "+" liability in HK because "liability" will be negative, reported by (parentheses)

In HK the BS is like this:

Current Assets XX
Non-current Assets XX
Total assets AA

Current liabilities (XX)
Non-current Liab (XX)
Total liabilities (BB)

Net assets AA-BB

Shareholders equity CC


Unknown 說...

Does Canada use the International GAAP or US GAAP?

Unknown 說...

Sorry should be

AA + (BB) = CC