星期五, 8月 06, 2010

(674) 野生小蘋果

前天到舅父家吃過晚飯後, 和奶奶散步回她家途中, 見到5, 6棵蘋果樹. 雖然每棵蘋果也只有像車厘茄般大, 但見它們樣子可愛, 我便拾了2粒試吃... 結果? 酸得不得了!!! 但總算滿足了好奇的心. :)

1 則留言:

占漢娜 說...


These are called Crabapples. They are related to table apples, but not exactly apples. They are not good for eating at all. British people sometimes use them for making jelly or cider.

To be honest, I've done exactly the same as you.... eight years ago.