星期日, 12月 31, 2006

(137) Han, 一週年結婚紀念快樂!!


3 則留言:

匿名 說...





匿名 說...

thank you for your kind words, litle sis. i hope this year will be your year for travel, work and love ;-)

hope to see you in london at some point, we can't keep traveling to see you all the time y'know.

不再thin的阿thiN... 說...

dermie, thanks thanks thanks!!
i hope i can go to London in April... but you know, I suppose my year-end bonus can support part of my travel expense, but turn out... it's far far far less than my expectation! so i have to do some calculation first... deduct all the tax & insurance expense, see if i still hv spare $$$ to visit my dear sis and brother-in-law! (^_^)