關於我在多倫多的生活點滴 :)
御伽話ni夢中 = sleep talking??daydraming?? living in a dream??縮毛矯正 = hair growing?? eyebrow trimming??I have no japanese background...
hehe, my super-limited japanese knowledge does not include these two phrases.I will guess..."I like to talk in the dream""Hair shrinking transformation"
1 - 發開口夢2 - no pain 脫毛
相信他不會問人的, 有體育精神呀嗎. 有誠意?起碼自己搵答案... 反正網上好易搵... =p
1) 唔估, 因為已經知道2) 短頭髮的女人
5 則留言:
御伽話ni夢中 = sleep talking??daydraming?? living in a dream??
縮毛矯正 = hair growing?? eyebrow trimming??
I have no japanese background...
hehe, my super-limited japanese knowledge does not include these two phrases.
I will guess...
"I like to talk in the dream"
"Hair shrinking transformation"
1 - 發開口夢
2 - no pain 脫毛
相信他不會問人的, 有體育精神呀嗎. 有誠意?起碼自己搵答案... 反正網上好易搵... =p
1) 唔估, 因為已經知道
2) 短頭髮的女人